5th Asian Business Pitch Contest

May 21, 2024

Boston Little Saigon and VietAID welcomed and hosted the 5 th Asian business pitch contest in the heart of Boston’s Vietnamese community on May 21, 2024. Thanks to Boston Little Saigon’s generous addition of $10,000 to the pitch contest purse 13 contestants competed for the most money ($17,500) ever awarded at Asian business pitch contests organized by ElevAsian in partnership with its community-based partners. 

Kanwar Singh’s Zora Nutrition (computer vision nutrition app), Dr. Jia Li’s Physio X (physical therapy), and Michelle Zhang’s Xstyle (AI fashion app) won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes on the existing business track. Windy Pham’s Little Ant World (Vietnamese children’s book publisher), Rishi Narayanan’s Knocadia Labs (web 3 artist developer), and Nana Qi’s Keepin (home storage technology) won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes on the new venture track. 1st place prizes were $5,000, 2nd place $2,500, and 3rd place $1,000. The audience awarded $500 to its favorite pitch by Vanessa Do Arcovio’s Minado Entertainment (art and dance provider).

Contestant Richard Kim (Gangnam Spice) and Boston Little Saigon provided delicious Korean BBQ chicken and Bánh Mì respectively.

1. Ms. Tuyen Bui-Lally- Juste Tutu (wearejustetutu@gmail.com)

2. Ms. Fenway Fan- Magic Soul House, Inc. (fenway.wei.fan@gmail.com)

3. Ms. Nancy Daniel- Madhrasi (nancy@madhrasi.com)

4. Ms. Vanessa Do Arcovio- Minado Entertainment, LLC (minado.entertainment@gmail.com)

5. Ms. Christine Ho- Sewpreme Seams (christineho.designs@gmail.com)

6. Mr. Richard Kim- Gangnam Spice (rkim@gangnamspice.com)

7. Dr. Jia Li- Physio X (hello@physiox.co)

8. Mr. Rishi Narayanan- Knocadia Labs (rnarayanan2000@gmail.com)

9. Ms. Victoria Nguyen- CaoDai Today (caodaitoday@gmail.com)

10. Ms. Nana Qi- Keepin (mixynlist@gmail.com)

11. Ms. Windy Pham- Little Ant World (little.ant.world1@gmail.com)

12. Mr. Kanwar Singh- Zora Nutrition (kanwar@paramacare.com)

13. Ms. Michelle Zhang- Xstyle (info@xstyle.vip)